When I am studying in front of my comp, there is a guy who is god damn free keep on talk to me… nvm, since he is my friend, I won’t blame him for disturbing me to study…but my mood not so good, mayb cause of the final is approaching and I feel stress or some other issues… but still nvm, I won’t lose my temper to my friend, because I know he is so lonely…
Through the conversation between us, I really really felt he was damn confident on himself and I damn admire him…
The story is this, when I was talking to him, I saw he was chatting with the gal through msn who was admired and chased by him for a long long time, then I shouted “WOW!!!” towards him…and he showed his damn enjoy face to me (v called 衰样 or lan yeng)...i almost slapped him when I saw the stupid face…
And I ask him how come he still continuing to chase her for so long time since we all felt that he had not much chance..and he told me “everyone has their chance, depends on the chance come early or late, I do have my own chance, so I won't let my chance get away from my hand...”
I am very appreciate that he has such attitude, such confidence, he is optimistic…he is great…I really hope to pray him…(although I was laughing at him all the time when he said that to me)...I really can’t even reach 10% of his optimistic and confident…Haiz…
Let me intro the confident guy to u all…damn yeng and lengzai…